Google advertising, Bing advertising, PPC, CPC, SEM, Search Engine Marketing and Paid Search

These are a few of the names given to the method of digital marketing, that allows your business to appear higher in online searches (using search engines such as Google and Bing) therefore driving more customers to you.
You the advertiser will only pay each time one of your ads is clicked by a potential customer – making this a very cost effective way of advertising.

Approximately 3.5 million searches take place on Google alone every 60 seconds.

A major advantage of using search engine marketing (PPC pay per click) is that you get your business in front of people that are already in the process of looking for your products or services.

Imagine that you are offering plumbing services.

John uses the google search engine to help him search for a plumber.  He runs a search for a plumber in your area.  Your services show up in the search result. The major advantage of using online marketing for example Google Adwords is that you get customers who are ready to buy coming to you instead of you chasing them.

Adwords advertising is very flexible and gives you the ability to be visible online immediately and to see results as soon as tomorrow.

Contact us today and we will do a free of charge assessment on what we can achieve for you in your area. On top of that, if you sign up, you get a £75 advertising voucher free.

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Tel: 046 288 49 06